Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Separation Anxiety?

He's only 8 weeks old, but it seems like DS is having separation anxiety?? Last night I went to the grocery store and was only gone about 40 min, DH ended up texting me half way through my shopping saying "hurry home, baby has been screaming for 20 min!" He said that as soon as DS looked around and saw I was gone, he went into a screaming fit and could only be consoled by a bottle, even though it wasn't time for him to eat yet. Is this separation anxiety? If so, how can I gently start to work with him on this? I don't want to keep him from bonding with me, but I will be going back to work in 4 weeks and I don't want him to be traumatized every time I'm gone for a few hours. Help!
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