Babies: 0 - 3 Months

When should I feed?

I BF DS but pump and use a bottle. For the past week we have gotten about 4 hours stretches in between feedings, but then last night he started wanting to eat at 3 hours again. He would go smaller intervals when he was 1 or 2 weeks old, getting up every 1.5 or 2 hours but then he would only eat an ounce or two and then go back to bed. Now he is eating the full 4 ounces in the bottle. I would like to keep him on the every four hours schedule, but is that realistic? Should I just feed him at 3 hours when he cries? Or should I increase what I have in the bottle?

I am feeling down that we were up to 4 hours and now we are back down to 3. I was hoping that we would get to 6 or 8 hour stretches sooner rather than later. Advice is appreciated.

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