2nd Trimester

C-sections, interventions and a vent ( long)

I need to vent...and get advice ...


We live in a state/county with a sky high c-section  rate. I specifically chose my hospital first and then my doctor based on c-section rates at the facility and then of the doctor. It isn't that I don't think they should be performed but I feel like there's a lot of non-medically necessary stuff that goes on around here with interventions and c-sections.

Ok, so a friend of mine went into labor yesterday morning. She labored at home and then towards the afternoon the doctor wanted to admit her ...around 6pm or so. Over the phone without even seeing her they tell her that they will admit and induce. When my husband told me this I automatically gave him the side-eye ( her husband was relaying it to him). I mean why would they say they are going to induce before they even have SEEN her?  She was admitted between 6-7pm and by 10-11pm the baby was here. This morning we find out it was by c-section because " she wasn't proceeding after intervention ( I'm assuming Pitocin) and was only 4cm dilated". Does anyone else think this is over the top? The baby wasn't in distress...I feel like the doctor just wanted to go home on a Saturday night? Anyway it has me a little freaked...because I now know how hard it is going to be to advocate for myself if we get in a situation like that.

What irked me this morning is I told my mom this. She says " oh they would never do that unless necessary" . I told her  it isn't like when she had me and my brother....that they want you in and out and our area has over a 30% c-section rate! I feel like she doesn't get it. What concerns me about her mentality is I WANT her in the delivery room....but when nurses and doctors come in pushing interventions on me I don't want her blind trust in the medical community to make me mad. :/  

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