2nd Trimester

Did the Technician let the SEX slip...wat do you think?

Morning ladies :)

This has been on my mind ALL WEEK...EATING ME! I had my 12week scan last Monday. This is out 2nd child, and like the first, we are refraining from finding out the sex of the baby. Anyway, while the Tech was looking at the screen she asked me if I had felt alot of movement, I said that I had felt alot of activity in there compared to my first pregnancy...which I didnt feel any movement til 20-22weeks. Then all of a sudden she goes...''Oh my, look at HIM! (in which she turned the screen to me so I could see) Look, HE has HIS hands in the air..that little GUY is having a party in there!! Do you feel that!'' I didnt say anything, because I didnt want to see her reaction if she had to backtrack. Then I would really know...

Do you think she let it slip....?????? Personally I do, but Im trying not to think about it, and Im telling myself that maybe she was just referring to the baby as a HIM rather than an IT???

 Happy Sunday to you all :)

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