2nd Trimester

Numb hands

For about two weeks now, when I wake up in the morning (or even in the middle of the night for a pee run!) I notice that one of my hands is usually asleep/ pins and needley.?

I never really took note of the position of my hand to see if maybe I was laying on it but I I'd this morning... And I wasn't. I was in a "normal" position, half sleeping in my belly, with my arm bent up just slightly and on to my pillow.?

Has anyone else had this pins and needle thing? From my Dr. Google diagnosis, it looks like carpal tunnel setting in... But I don't have any hand swelling, fluid retention, and every time I pee in the cup at the doctors office, there's no protein in the urine.?

I have an appointment in Tuesday but figures I'd check in here first. Thanks!?
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