Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Experienced Breastfeeding Mothers - HELP

I am a brand new FT mom, and my eleven day old daughter has so far been doing great with the breastfeeding - latch is good, and has already gained her birth weight back, etc.

 But today, she was fussy and yet I knew she wasn't hungry. Thinking that maybe she was hitting a growth spurt or just hadn't had enough, I started feeding her. She was crying hard and didn't seem interested, but once she calmed down she did. About ten minutes or so afterwards though, she spit everything back up - and I mean everything! It was all over her and my husband. So clearly, I was right in the beginning, and she wasn't hungry, and just wanted to be soothed by my breast. But if she just wants me as a pacifier (which is fine, since I'm not going anywhere) but will actually EAT when she's not hungry, what am I going to do!? I can't keep having her puke it back up again. I thought babies were self regulating: so maybe I missed her cues and it's my fault? Plus, my nipples, which weren't all that sore, are getting more sore from her using me as a pacifier. 

Can I try using a regular pacifier if I'm sure she's not hungry - if she's crying right after a feeding for example, or something like that? I don't want to use a pacifier if she's actually hungry or miss any cues, and I'm totally freaking out - like I said, I'm a new mom and am just starting on learning her cues and what to do...

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