Babies: 0 - 3 Months

MIL vent, i don't give a (xp)

I decided to xp my vent here because I am sure you girls can relate......... 


So MIL came by tonight. Lately, every night around 6pm or so, L begins ascream fest. It lasts anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour. It usually involves me swaying, and rocking and holding a paci inher mouth and rocking and swaying and swaddling (you get the point). Eventually she falls asleep. So today just as she falls asleep MIl comes by. No biggie. She brings some cookies for the boys then makes a b-line to me and L on the couch. She asked me how she was doing and I told her she had been screaming for almost an hour and I had just gotten her to sleep. She makes a little comment and we start looking at the pics I took of her yesterday online. Then she gets up and she starts rubbbing on L's leg. This startles L. I look at her with a glare that said "Don't even think about it." but I didn't say anything. The she reaches up and starts rubbing her cheeks which begins to wake her. I say. "Oh no, don't wake her up." I didn't scream (baby is on my lap and I don't want her awakened so certainly  I didn't scream). MIL walks into the media room, says bye to the boys and immediately walks out of the door. DH is standing there and realized soemthing is odd. So do I, but I assume she had sense enough to realize I didn't want to be awake with a screaming baby all night. 

 Fast forward 5 minutes, DH's phone rings (sidenote - she NEVER calls DH, she calls me if she wants something). DH begins looking at his phone with a very annoyed look, then says to me

"My mom wants to talk to you."

I say "Is she upset because I told her not to wake L?"

He says "I guess that's what she's saying."

I take the phone and here is the conversation:

MIL - Did you think I was trying to wake L up?

Me - No, I just knew that she was waking up and I needed her to stay sleep?

MIL - I wasn't trying to wake her up.

Me - I didn't say you were, but I had just said to you that she has been screaming for an hour and my only concern was that she needed her sleep. No one is going to deal with a screaming baby but me, so  I didn't want her to wake up.

MIL- You raised your voice and no child of mine is going to raise their voice...........

Me - I didn't raise my voice, I told you not to wake her up and that's what I meant. (at this point my tone is pushed past rude)

MIL - Well you didn't have to raise your voice.

Me - No, this is me raising my voice. I am not a "child of yours" and I will not apologize to you because I didn't do anything wrong. IF you don't like it that is your problem, but I am not about do this with you right now.

MIL - Well I know she's your baby, but the..................

Me- (interupting) - you are right, she is my baby, and until you pop her out your body you don't get a say so in what's best for her. I will not try to console a screaming baby for hours so you can pinch her cheeks. Again, I will NOT do this with you. If I hurt your feelings that was not my intention.

MIL - you didn't have to say.........

Me - call someone who gives a f**** (hangs up phone)


Seriously, you are all butthurt because I asked you not to wake my screaming kid. Leave me the hell alone.


PS- DH immediately said, did she really just call for that? If she calls back I'll handle it.  

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