Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Can someone please help me get my kid to sleep???

I don't know what to do :( 

I finally got to the "do whatever you have to to get her to nap" point so as to avoid overtiredness, but now she won't even stay asleep in the swing for more than 20-30 minutes!  She's taking 15-minute catnaps a few times a day & that's often all I can get out of her.

Bedtime is HORRIBLE.  For bath, pjs, bottle and to sleep, it takes 2 hours usually.  Bath/pjs only takes like 15 minutes.  Tonight, she passed out after drinking only 1.5 ounces.  I couldn't wake her for anything.  I put her down, and 5 minutes later she was crying.  She drank 2 more ounces, and passed out again.  10 minutes later she was awake again.  I've tried drowsy but awake, rocking, walking, pacifier.  We were swaddling with arms out, but it wasn't helping.  We don't want to swaddle her arms in because she's a finger sucker & doesn't take a paci very well, and because they really aren't recommending you swaddle arms-in anymore.

It's wreaking havoc on my house, because I often have to put both kids to bed by myself while DH is working, and my 3.5 year old has been watching tv by herself waiting for me to get the LO to sleep.  I don't like that, but if I put her to bed first, I'm holding a screaming baby trying to sing the poor toddler her goodnight songs.  I can't read her a book like I usually do, and can't lay in bed with her for the goodnight songs because of the baby.

I have a cranky baby with reflux and food intolerances (is on Alimentum & we are seeing if she tolerates it) and doesn't nap, and I just don't know what to do.  My toddler is falling by the wayside & I feel terrible plus I'm exhausted.  I start getting the two of them ready around 6 with bath/shower, and the baby isn't asleep until like 9 pm.  And that's an improvement over the 4+ hours it WAS taking us.

What do I do when the shushing & patting, the swaddling, the swinging & rocking & singing & walking don't work??  I've even tried the projector/sound machine but it was a no-go.  It feels like everyone here just gives their baby a bedtime bottle, burps & holds them for a few minutes & they just go to sleep.  WHY is this not happening in my house??

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