2nd Trimester

2+ time moms that attend church -- when did you start taking your LO?

I just started wondering tonight when would be an acceptable time to start taking my babies to church. Since they're twins they will likely be a little early, but if they go to "full term" which is 36 weeks for twins they will still be so tiny and susceptible to so much. I mentioned to my husband that I might want to start taking them around 4 weeks old, but he's super hesitant. I definitely don't think I'd put them in the nursery that young, but maybe just keep them with me during service.

I don't know...I just don't want to go a really long time after my babies arrive without the support of my church family, but at the same time I don't want to be an irresponsible parent.

Since I'm a FTM I don't know what the heck to do. 


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