Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Dairy Sensitivity :(

For the past two weeks I eliminated dairy from my diet to see if it helped LO's colick/fussiness. It was the pediatrician's recommendation. I also met with an LC who said that I definitely had an OALD and that was more likely the reason for the fussiness. I gave it a full two weeks just to follow through but I was sure it was unnecessary. In the two weeks LO was much less fussy. Evenings were still his "needy" time but otherwise we had no crying fits. He also started napping much better during the day. I attributed his improvement to the block feeding, better napping and assumed part of it was developmental as he was past 6 weeks.

Well, 2 days ago I re-introduced dairy (in small portions) and yesterday and today were not good. Napping was non-existent and nighttime went back to crying. I'm upset because I LOVE cheese and chocolate! But I have been off of it for 2 weeks so I guess I can keep going. I also realized there were a few foods that have "hidden dairy" that I was eating - like English Muffins. So now I am going to try complete elimination. Anyone else going through this?

I also realized that his congestion could be from the dairy sensitivity which I had no idea. 

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