2nd Trimester

Change table? 2nd+ time moms

I'm a FTM, and I need some advice/opinions from 2nd time mommies!

My MIL and SIL have both told me that their change tables were never used and therefore were a waste of money. They never actually used them to change baby, instead they just ended up with stuff stacked on them.

 I kind of like the idea of having all the diaper change stuff organized in one place. And wouldn't it get used in the middle of the night, since it's in the same room as baby in the crib? It just seems to makes sense to me to have and use a change table. Our house is small and we have a dog, so changing baby up off the floor and having somewhere to put all the stuff away is probably what is swaying my opinion. But I am an idealistic and inexperienced FTM, so really, what do I know?? lol

What were your experiences with change tables, if you bought/were given one? Your input would be greatly appreciated! TIA!


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