Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Crying while eating, any advice?

DS is 10 weeks old. He gets fed breast milk out of a bottle (medical reason so I EP). The last 5 or 6 days he will eat about an ounce then start fussing I will burp him and he gets so mad and screams and cries. When I give him the bottle back he eats for a minute or two then starts screaming again. This goes on for the entire bottle, at about half of his feedings. I try to burp him every time he starts to fuss, sometimes he burps sometimes he doesn't. As soon as he is done eating he goes right back to my happy smiling baby. I don't know what to do. I have not changed my diet, I burp him as much as I can during the feeding, I've given him gas drops? I'm going to try different bottles his next couple feedings and burping him even more, just in case that does not work anyone have any other suggestions that I have not thought of? 
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