2nd Trimester

Should I just suck it up and buy it? (NPR)

So...this is random question...

I recently have started a new hobby. I am learning to sew. Hope to make some baby items before the LO comes along, but I am also trying to make a little money on the side by tying in my passion for ballroom dancing and design and sew some costumes. 

Here's my issue...I recently lost and auction on ebay for a pattern i wanted. at the time I didn't know how HARD it was to get (its out of print) and know I can't find it. I've searched all OVER the internet and the only one I can find is almost $40 with shipping from australia. 

Obviously, that is over double what i would have paid for it had I not lost the auction (doh!)...now i'm kicking myself and i'm having such a hard time forking up the $40.

ami just being stupid? should I just buy it? just need some opinions.

thanks ladies. 

BabyFruit Ticker
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