Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Trying for the next one?

If you want to have more babies when do you plan on trying for your next one?

Originally before she was born I had said I wanted to start trying around 15 months. When she was born I told DH I didnt want to have anymore becuase my healing process was slow and awful so I told him I only wanted her, but if we did have more I didn't want to start trying until she was 4, he said lets talk about it when she turns 2 I agreed. Well now I am eager to start trying again right away lol.  We are pretty young so for us age isn't a concern, also we didn't conceive at the drop of a hat but it wasn't too hard for us either (not to sound jerky just laying out the factors) I realize some of you are older and/or really had a hard time conceiving so that plays a role in when you will start trying.

Anyway I have always heard from doctors and many other cultures do it this way too that you shouldn't get pregnant the first year, now I realize many people do and are fine but I guess I just lean toward agreeing with that so we wont start before a year but I am not sure now what I want.  I can see waiting a few years and enjoying Amelia for a while and then I can see all the benefits of having them close.

So just curious what your plans are or are you just as up in the air as I am?

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