Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Swollen feet, headache, body aches after delivery?

I had very little swelling during pregnancy until about one week before I delivered and only for a couple days.  Since I delivered on Sunday, my feet have been swollen.  They are not going down and are getting bigger and bigger.  I also have had a headache all week too, although this may be due to the epidural.

I have been feeling a little achy too, like I have the flu, but I have no fever.  I have been getting engorged the last 2 days, and am having trouble BF as well.  I have been trying to relieve it by pumping.  I don't know if the achiness is related to the swelling or the engorgement or the epidural or unrelated.

Are these normal post partum symptoms or is this something I should be concerned about?

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