Single Parents

About to take a huge step

I'm moving 2 hours away to get into a dental hygiene program in August. I don't know ANYONE in the town and I'm scared shitless! My family has been such a huge help and we're so close that I'm not sure if I can do it without them. I seriously see my parents every day and my sisters 2 or 3 times a week.

I know that in the end it will be worth it, but I'm just not sure if I can do it. The furthest I've lived from my family is an hour away and even then I had EX with me and a ton of friends. What if I need some time away from DS to study or whatever else? I have nobody to watch him. I can't just take him to my parents house anymore and leave him to get stuff done.

When I told my mom my plans the first thing she said was, "You'd have to leave Drake here. You can't take him from us." Is it bad that I actually considered it?

I'm just so nervous and needed some place to let it all out. Send me some encouraging words ladies!

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