2nd Trimester

MIL making me crazy!

Sorry just need to vent a bit... My MIL and I have gotten along famously since DH and I got together.  I've never had an issues with her, and she has expressed that the the feelings are mutual, in the past.  Our LO will be her 3rd grand-child, but she and been unbearable since we told her I was expecting.... She has told us that she will be coming for an extended stay after the LO arrives... she is a teacher and will have all the time in the world, note she has not been asked to stay with us.  She has also informed me of traditions we must or had better keep.  She has no regard for my families traditions or traditions DH and I want to start for our own family.  Also she has begun attacking me about various things on how we want/ may want to raise our child.  We went on a trip to visit Dh's brother with MIL earlier in the month and she was so horribly rude and insulting to me that DH won't even speak to her.... and even when he told her she was rude and her behavior unacceptable she denied it.


I am a pretty strong and opinionated girl and will not tolerate any more of this treatment.  My mother was treated badly by my father's mother and siblings and it really hurt me as a kid and if my MIL can't treat me with respect, I have told DH she will not see her grandkids, because I won't let them see that kind of behavior! 

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