2nd Trimester

Overdid it today now feeling awful.....

LO took a super nap today which is so rare and so I was able to get so much done. He normally is down for 1/2 hour and I get no housework done.  I did vacuming, baseboardss, carried some stuff down to the basement and a ton of laundry, and made a stew where I had to lift the heavy cast iron pot in and out of oven all afternoon.  None of it at once seemed straining on me, but now that I am all done, my abs are killing and feel like i did 1000 sit ups today. 

I am going to spend the rest of night resting while DH takes care of LO and gets him in bed.

Is this concering how I feel?  My abs, even while resting are super tense.  Should I call the doc or just rest and take it easy the next few days?


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