2nd Trimester

Offered a new job today!

I'm and RN, and I had a third interview at a private practice today. The medical director offered me a positon at the conclusion of our meeting, and then I went to meet with the Director of HR. I told her that I am 13 weeks pregnant, and although I wanted to accept the position, I needed to make sure that I would get to take at least a 3 month maternity leave.

The HR manager hugged me and said that family comes first at the practice and that I would easily be accommodated. I was so scared to break the news bc I was nervous that they would find a reason not to give me the job, but they didn't even bat an eye at the news.  This really seems like a great place to work!  A bonus is that I will no longer have to work holidays or weekends :)

 So there is hope for those of you who are job hunting and scared to tell a prospective employer that you're expecting!


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