2nd Trimester

Pnuemonia/Asthma during pregnancy - Med worries :(

I recently got out of the hospital from having pneumonia. While I was in there, I had to have very strong antibiotics through an IV, as well as steroids and other meds. I am now out, but am on Flovent (steroid inhaler), albueterol/atrovent through nebulizer, a flovent nasal spray, among a double zpack, and am tapering down off of oral prednisone have also had to have 3 xrays :(

 My asthma has been so horrible throughout this pregnancy, I worry that as I get bigger I will only continue to get more lung issues. 

 my a/s scan went great at 18 weeks thankfully, as I was nervous as I have chronic bronchitis and was on meds in my first trimester as well. 

 I can't help but to feel alot of guilt with taking all of this medicine, and I worry about what effects it will have on my baby. I know that at 18 weeks the baby is fully formed, but you never know what this stuff does. I haven't even dyed my hair or used tanning lotion because I wanted to do everything natural, and now knowing I am pumping all this to my baby, has my very worried. But as my doctor says, if I can't breathe, the baby can't breathe.

 I am due for another u/s in 4 to 6 weeks, so we can tell if the baby is on track, so far so good, with a strong heart rate as of yesterday. What's done is done I suppose, and I'm sure everything will be ok, but I have a hard time finding anyone else who understands and has been forced to take meds while preg.

 Has anyone else had to be on meds during their pregnancy? If so, did everything go ok? My mom had these same issues with me when she was preg, and I turned out ok, I am trying to stay void of google, as that is the devil to someone who is already worried. Other stories are appreciated :)

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