2nd Trimester

Wondering about two things...

I'm curious as to when your energy starts to pick back up? I still get quite tired during the day and often have to take 2 hour naps in the afternoon. I would really love to get some energy back soon! lol

 Also I've been wondering about sex... Lately after I have sex I get cramps on my one side. I know thats normal and I talked to my doctor about it today and she said not to be concerned BUT I forgot to ask her about the uncomfortableness of sex. I really want to and often are revved up for it when when it comes to actual intercourse I'm sore and it feels really off. I don't have problems with being dry but it just doesn't feel very good. Anyone experience this too? And if so is there anything I could try to make it a bit more enjoyable?

TIA ladies!

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