2nd Trimester

Am I being strange for not wanting to announce gender?

We're expecting our 3rd child in May.  We found out the gender at the 18 week a/s.  My husband and I decided we did not want to tell everyone the gender and would rather wait until the baby is born to make an announcement.  For myself, my reasoning is that I'm 41 yrs old, although all screening shows baby is healthy, I guess I'm having some anxiety 'something' could go wrong, and don't want to count my blessings until they've 'hatched', so to speak, KWIM?  Maybe I'm being superstitious and silly, but it's just how I feel.  

Anyway, I was talking to mom earlier (she is one of only 2 people who know babies gender) And she was repeating a conversation she had with my aunt.  Mom was telling me she wishes I would just tell everyone, saying my aunt has been harassing her and making statements to the effect of "what does she thing she's the 1st woman to ever have a baby? what's the big deal?".  I'm a little put off that my mother even repeated the conversation to me, let alone didn't defend my right to choose whether or not to reveal.  But now I'm wondering, am I being silly? If I were your relative or friend, would you care if I said we've decided to wait until baby is born to announce gender??  TIA

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