2nd Trimester

UPDATE: Still not done baking one baby...

And DH has suddenly changed his tune from "One...maybe two if the first one turns out okay." to "Two...maybe three but I'm scared we'll go for three and end up with twins."

Apparently we are now having three children. I do not know when or why this change of heart took place. I am going to give myself the benefit of the doubt and say it is my winning pregnancy personality.

But seriously. Where the heck would this have come from? It certainly wasn't any discussions with me. I was always hard core three to four kids, saw DH's friends who have three or four kids and decided to backtrack and when DH said we'll do one for now and see how that goes and maybe have a second I was all on board.


UPDATE: I asked DH last night where it came from...and mentioned my theory about it being because this one is a girl. He couldn't say lol. In fact he went back to "we'll see how this one turns out" but with the addition of "I'm scared if we have two and try for three we'll end up with twins. Even if they're both boys four is a lot of kids."

So I now maintain that my theory that he wants to keep trying for a boy but will give up if we still don't have one after three is probably correct. Poor guy is terrified we'll have twins because he is a twin and there are twins all over the place in his family and some on my side as well.

Had to laugh. He's so scared we're going to end up with

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