2nd Trimester

NBR: Whoa! Toddlers and Tiaras trainwreck from my hometown!

I do admit that I watch Toddlers and Tiaras. It's a trainwreck and it gives me reminders of what NOT to do with my kids. Anyway...a few months ago I heard about the woman who thought it would be a good idea to dress her daughter up like Julia Robert's hooker persona from Pretty Woman (This). So, this morning I was on Facebook and I saw a post from one of my friends about a story on Good Morning America in reference to this little girl.

Imagine my surprise when I clicked on the FB thread and saw that not only do this woman and her daughter live in my hometown (which we are relocating back to by the end of the month), but she and her family both go to our church!!  Wow.

Mainly, I just thought this was an interesting tidbit, but the real story is what's going down between these 2 moms in the GMA story (Link here). BOTH of these women have done completely inappropriate things with their daughters (one dressing her daughter up like a hooker and the other letting her daughter do things like performing LMFAO's Sexy and I Know It in a nightclub), but yet they are both trying to prove which one is the trashier, hot mess, poor excuse...wait, I mean, better mother.

Just amazing...

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