Babies: 0 - 3 Months

annoyed about BF comments

My DD was in the NICU for 2 weeks and I was not comfortable nursing her there. She got used to bottles. I am giving her exclusive BM right now and have been keeping up with her with pumping. DH gives her lots of bottles since he is a freelancer and work has been so slow. I tried BF a few times and it didnt go well.

Every doctor we see (she still is recovering from some skin issues) asks about BF. I say I am pumping and they say try BF again, she will have less gas, it is easier, etc.

I HATED BF my first- it hurt, I got mastitis, my boobs are big so I had to hold them to feed her, etc. I did it for about 10 weeks and never enjoyed it. So I just don't have it in me to try and get in the swing of it when I only plan on doing it another 6 weeks.

Pumping is hard and time consuming, and then feeding her afterwards but I am ok with it.

Why must everyone judge when I am working so hard? 

Ugh. Just a vent.


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