2nd Trimester

Officially having twin boys and a great appointment!

We had our 18 week appointment and ultrasound yesterday and it was confirmed that both babies are boys!  I'm still probably not going to start the nursery stuff until our 20 week, but it was good to see they could confirm what they said at 16 weeks!  This was the first appointment I had with an actual doctor that lasted more than 10 minutes, I switched to a perinatologist and actually really like him.  I was a little freaked out at first to have a male doctor but it will be fine.  I have to go back for another cervical check next week because even though I am still at 4 cm for length, two weeks ago I was at 6.2 cm.  He validated that I am starting to really feel pregnant because I'm 18/19 weeks preggo with twins, but I am measuring as big as I would be if I was 31/32 weeks with a single baby.  That was so nice to hear!  I thought I was being a baby saying that my feet were swollen and my back was hurting but apparently not! :)  Both babies were measuring ahead, A was ahead by 7 days and B was ahead by 12 days.  Still not moving my dd from 6/12, but he did tell me that he wouldn't let me go any farther then 37 weeks, so the babies will be here by or hopefully around 5/17!  Just had to get out all the good info we got yesterday at our appointment!  I hope everyone is continuing (or starting) to feel well and that things are going good!!! :)
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