Upstate NY Babies

My love-hate relationship with 2 hour delays

Yay! Our first 2-hour delay of the year! It finally feels like winter!

Ian and I had a great morning. He hung out in our bed watching cartoons while I showered and got dressed. We ate breakfast together at the kitchen table and just chatted about nothing. He was completely amicable all morning, never giving me a problem getting dressed, brushing his teeth, or getting out the door. I love delays.

Then I realized how well he responds to structure. Dropping him off at DC was not fun. He's still getting used to his new room, and didn't get to say hello to his friend in his old room, he really didn't have the usual playtime before they start the more structured activities, so he became quite clingy when I tried to leave. Yep. And he was screaming and crying when I left. I hate delays.

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