2nd Trimester

CVS = Major frustration.

Go to drop off my prescriptions of carbamazapine & 4mgs of folic acid (being pregnant & on carbamazapine-the 4mgs of folic acid is quite important-it's meant to help prevent birth defects in the baby!!)this evening, head to the grocery & drop back by CVS to pick up my prescriptions. Get home to find out my folic acid is missing & had to miss tonight's dose because the pharmacy closed! Morons!

Apparently they can not do anything until tomorrow morning & now I'm freaking out wondering if they lost my prescription entirely & will have to wait for it to be called in by my Dr. office now. Because initially when I dropped the scripts off the girl at the drop off desk tried to hand me my empty pill bottles back, of course I didn't take them back & when I asked her how long it would take to fill the bottles, since it was 40 mins 'til 9 (their closing time) she looked at me like a deer in headlights.

These kinds of mistakes cannot be afforded at the sake of patients, I keep wondering what if I was a diabetic & they forgot my insulin, utterly RIDICULOUS & INTOLERABLE!

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