Babies: 0 - 3 Months

11 week old still eating all.the.time.!!!

DS still eats an average of 12 times per day!!  I want to BF him and I thought I wanted to feed on demand, but this getting ridiculous.  From about 8-10 weeks he seemed to be getting a little better and was finally doing one longer stretch at the beginning of the night (about 5-6 hours) but now we're back to round the clock eating.

I'm not delusional, I know he's still really young and I have no expectations of STTN any time soon. However, eating every 1-2 hours during the day and 2-3 hours overnight is newborn behavior. An 11 week old should be able to go longer than that. He'll only eat for like 5-10 minutes each feeding which is probably part of the problem but he just won't eat more no matter what we do.

Is there anything I can do? The nonstop feeding and lack of sleep is really getting to be torture, especially with taking care of a toddler too.  

DD february 2010 | DS october 2011

*please excuse my typos, bumping from my iphone*
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