2nd Trimester

So, we're almost at the 2nd trimester.. (more of a rant)

Hubby and I found out we're expecting on Decemeber 30th, by complete accident. Monday was our first ultrasound, and we're farther along than we had originally thought-- today is 11 weeks 5 days! No morning sickness, no odd cravings, not even showing at this point (though I've read that's normal) but baby is doing great and was an active little munchkin! Then she told us I have a bicornuate uterus, and that baby is on the right side. Now, I'm 23 and I've never even heard of this before, so I googled it when I got home (bad decision) and pretty much freaked myself out. Even though everything looked great at the ultrasound and we heard the little one's heartbeat, I still can't get those horror stories out of my head. As if I need the extra worries, I'm not putting on any weight-- I'm 5'2'', normal weight is around 93-95lbs, and I haven't seen a pound added. Nevermind the fact that I've been eating fruits, veggies, drinking fruit juices and water. This is our first child, and I'm praying that everything continues to go as well as it has been. I just wanted to get that off my chest.
Mr & Mrs H. - It all began 10.21.09
image Sasha & Melinda - Big Sisters!

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