2nd Trimester

Dear stress, please go away

I am self employed. Which I love. My hubby is also .. but his job is a contract with a regular company. We just found out that the company his contract is with - is going out of business. OMG... and I realize now that I am going to be our sole form of support unless he can find new work .. pronto.

I employ 3 people, and now I realize that our family, our new little guy and the families of 3 other people are all going to fall ON ME .. and I just have no idea how I am going to make that happen.  I feel so overwhelmed today, there is just no way I can physcially take on anymore work .. I already work 60 - 70 hours a week, and I was only taking 4 weeks off for the baby , to keep up with work. 

What stress relief techniques do all of you use to calm yourself down? Thanks for letting me vent .. today I just really needed to get those fears in writing so I dont feel so alone in my head.  

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