2nd Trimester

XP: It's a girl

I am overjoyed to announce I am having a little girl.

We went out appointment at 11. I was up at 6:30 because I couldn't sleep. We went for breakfast, then I went to my moms. (She runs a daycare and I love playing with the kids). Went to appointment and got in 15 min early. Baby was so active. After 15 minutes I had to empty my bladder. Came back and continued the measurements. She was measuring right on time 18w4d. Finally all measurements were done and baby looked healthy and she started to look. Baby only cooperated for a few minutes and got the picture of the goodies. 

I was shocked. I always thought it was a boy. I think in the back of my head I wanted a girl, but I would never say it so I didn't get my hopes up. 

Good luck to the others still waiting for their a/s.
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