2nd Trimester

My Mom is driving me nuts and stressing me out

So this might me long sorry. My dad is in the hospital 6 hours away he is in the ICU on  a respirator and sedated.Because his mom just died a few weeks ago I am making the call for medical. My family down there has no education and drink and do drugs.The only aunt that I would have let make those calls just had a stroke and is in no shape to worry and take care of that. 

Ok so my mom lives 30 mins from me said if I want to go she will go with. That was nice of her and I said as long as the doctor said it was ok and I had a sitter for my son I wanted to go. Well my car is old and I just dont trust the trans on it so I said I don't think I want to chance my car breaking down (I dont have money to buy a new car). She gets mad and was a real ass. I said let me see how the week goes. Well I don't have anyone to watch my son on Friday and she gets mad at that throws a fit and said we would just bring him. He couldnt go in the room so where was he supposed to be all weekend.

Plus I'm going to be stressed as it is. So the next thing was we would leave on Sat to come back Sunday really I'm not spending 400 on food, gas and a place to sleep for a few hours by his bed side just cant do that. And now were about to have a bad snow storm here and she keeps going on and on about how it might not happen. Her last call was to tell me I need to call down there and tell them my aunt needs to take over cause I'm here and its a lot of stress on me. NO your causing the stress just stop calling me if you want to go so bad you go cause there to many risk for me.


Am I crazy for being upset that shes stressing me out more by making me feel bad for not going? Is it bad I don't want to risk driving down there? My dad has not been there for me my whole life I still love him but I can't risk going down there. Crying Sorry so long thanks for reading!

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