2nd Trimester

Mini Rant-Mother Related

Oi ve, where to begin... Let's just say my mother & I have a strained relationship...But I try w/ her.


We can be having a nice conversation, though I constantly have to stay in control of the convo or she will steer it into an ugly mess. All she wants to talk about is drama in her personal life, gets very pushy/overly religious & I'm constantly having to redirect the flow... After doing so she'll somehow find something inconsiderate to say.


Like today, she wanted to talk about her new fb page, cool. Then it turned into wanting to gossip about my ex-stepthing & his 'other woman' ~ my mother & he are still legally married. Not exactly a topic I want to talk or think about because it riles me up & stresses me out. So of course, I have to constantly change topics despite the fact she insists on redirecting it back to her silly bs.


So then I start talking about 3D u/s & how my husband & I are going to do one soon. Leads to preggo convo, cool. But then she wants to start talking about my weight & asking me how big I am, if I'm still able to use a seat belt, have I gotten stretch marks, etc. I reply, do you really think those are appropriate ?'s for a pregnant person? She's like, yeeeeah...I was always sensitive about my weight & getting stretch marks, I'm like - so then - why would you bring something so sensitive up to me, your daughter? You could hear the amusement in her voice & it's like she's always looking to poke or start an argument. Then...on top of this crap, my Stepmom is the one who happens to be throwing me a baby shower. & my mom is asking all sorts of questions - cool. But then I asked her where she's going to stay, apparently she expected to stay with either my Stepmom or Dad... Let me back up for a sec. My mom, stepmom/dad & myself all live in separate states. My dad & stepmom are divorced, my stepmom lives with her parents & my dad lives in a very small house with a friend. And she just expected to stay with one of them without asking, none of these ppl are close. Then she started complaining about how it will be a 7 hour drive. This is something special my stepmom planned for me, yet my mom idicates she wants to be included w/ planning last minute. I asked her if it's going to be difficult, etc. why not throw her own baby shower...her response~crickets...


The woman hasn't been the most supportive person, in fact somewhat vindictive at first. But the moment she finds out my Stepmom & Dad wanted to throw a baby shower, she's suddenly interested in my & my husband's pregnancy... IDK this woman drives me bananas, she's like having a MIL as a mom, so I basically have two of those gnarly monsters to deal w/. Bleh...

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