Babies: 0 - 3 Months

STTN and naps..

Hello!! I was hoping I could get some advice from you ladies. My 10 week old slept last night a straight 7 hours for the first time! YAY. and then another 3 before he got up at 4. Then he slept from about 5-6am and then napped from about 10-1:30, I had to wake him up to feed him and then he tried to fall asleep during feeding and again during burping. My questions is should I be limiting his nap time during the day to keep him sleeping longer at night. Yesterday he barely napped at all and thats why I think he slept so long last night, but he was cranky yesterday too, I think he was overtired. I hate to wake a sleeping baby but it was sooo nice to get a long stretch at night. Any advice?? TIA.
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