2nd Trimester

18 week U/S - exciting and kinda disappointed

So we got to see our little bean yesterday! Everything was great, lots to see, saw it sucking its fingers then lots of moving around. Then the technician asked if we'd like to know the gender, we said "no" and she continued on doing measurements and such. But then we saw it!! Thighs open, view from the bottom, and a little "peppie"!! So then I asked, how are we looking at the baby, and she quickly changed the screen and moved to its head and pointed out some other things. But it was pretty clear. So I'm super excited its a boy, but also super kind of disappointed since it basically isn't an "official" its a boy, but I'm pretty sure it is... It really kind of ruined the surprise. Anyone else have this happen? And yes, don't get me wrong, I'm super happy, baby is healthy, etc etc, but this being our first it just really dampers it losing that bit of mystery
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