Single Parents

How to choose a lawyer?

My H wants a divorce (I do not).  We have an almost-two-year-old and a baby on the way.  The baby was unplanned and a complete accident and birth control failure, if you must know.  I do not care about anything other than our kid(s).  I mean, yes, I care, I will not give it all away or anything, but I know that that will be the issue that may prevent this from being "amicable."

Details: I am a SAHM.  H is about to receive a promotion (or already did) and this should come with increased pay.  H is from this state, I am not.  I have no family here, zero.  I will be looking to move back home with my family (3,000 miles away in a different state).  H has contacted his divorce attorney (behind my back, has not told me this directly, but I read his open email) and told them that he is ready to file.  But to me he is acting nothing but normal, kind, sweet, loving, caring, etc.  So, I guess I should expect to just be served with papers out of the blue?  In his email he indicated that he couldn't remember if they were going to file for legal separation or divorce because of the pregnancy (and he made it sound as though one was more advantageous over the other due to my pregnancy).

How do I go about finding the best attorney to fight for me?  I want someone who will fight...not someone just looking for another $5k.  Money isn't much of an issue, if that plays into it. 

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