Single Parents

Went to Court for the 1st time yesterday.

The judge didn't look pleased as I have a feeling she knew my in-laws. As of right now the OOP was extended until our next court date. He was ordered to take a drug test (which I'm paying for) and to have supervised visits once a week (which he is paying for at $125 per hr) with a court ordered supervisor. He was also ordered to pay temporary child support. My in-laws got exactly what they deserved which was nothing - to the point where they aren't even allowed to be at STBXH's visits. My attorney did however advise me to let them see the children on my terms that way they wouldn't have a case on our next court date. I'm supposed to wait until they contact me and then set something up. Not that they even had a case before. You should have seen the looks on their faces when my attorney pulled out the phone records while they were trying to argue that I've been ignoring all their attempts at contacting me.  The judge looked highly disgusted that they were even there. She even made a point of telling them that they need to stay out of matters that concerned STBXH and I.

Yesterday was bittersweet. Even though STBXH has put me through hell we weren't always unhappy. We didn't always have these issues. Things were so good before we got married. Or maybe I was just blind to it all, who knows. It was very hard for me to see him looking so miserable yesterday. Much harder then I thought it would be. I hope this was a wake up call for him and his parents. What I would give for him to get help and pass that drug test so he can be an active part of our babies lives. I just want it all to go away. Sad

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