Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Baby Rejecting Bottle


My son is 2 months old and I have been exclusively breastfeeding since he was born.  I am returning to work in 2 weeks and he also has a milk-protein allergy so I decided to start introducing bottle feeding-- the issue is that he absolutely refuses to take the bottle.  We have tried a few different types of bottles and I have stayed out of the room so that he doesn't sense me near him.  My husband uses a different feeding position so that it feels like a new experience but nothing works.  The issue is that I won't be here to give in and feed him in 2 weeks... I hate letting him cry and get frustrated with the bottle.  

Has this happened to anyone else?  Any advice?  Do I just refuse to breastfeed him until he takes the bottle?  The other thing I should mention is that he doesn't seem to know how to suck on the bottle so I am not sure if he hates it or he is just at a loss as to how to use it.... I wish I knew to introduce the bottle from the beginning but I can't be a Monday morning quarterback.

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