2nd Trimester

breastfeeding baby #2

Have any of you that have more than one child done things differently with your second or third child?  With DD we did not breast feed but now I am considering it for this baby.  My husbands company at the time was owned by Nestle so we got a huge discount on carnation good start formula, (that wasn't my only reason).  This time I am home and considering the possibility of breastfeeding.  I know it's better to breast feed but I am also looking at the cost savings.  This fall DD goes to preschool and it's a large expense so part of me feels like I could really accomplish both much more easily if I just give it a try this time around.

Part of me feels guilty like I should do the exact same for each child, does that make sense?  I'm also worried if I do breastfeed DH won't have that time with our DS like he did our DD and it really helped me for him to help with feedings.  I don't have a pump but was going to look into hospital rentals and mabye consider just committting to giving it a try for a few months.


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