Single Parents

Am I wrong for getting upset? (VENT)

So my son's father and i have been split since Sept of 2010 when my son was 6 months old.We always fought and just didnt get along. In January of 2011 I started dating again and Im completly happy. Ive been with him for a year now. Everythings great. My son's father on the other hand seems to have a new girlfriend every couple of weeks. Now i could care less what he does except he brings my son around them. Ive told him before I wanted to meet them before he brings my son around them but of course he doesnt. When he's dating a new"flavor of the week" hes a complete jerk to me. Demands that I let him see his son (even though we do have a custody agreement that he never follows). Constantly cussing me out calling me a bad mom the whole 9 yards. Ive tried to get him to pay me child support but he told me NO because I wont let him have him for a weekend. Im sorry he doesnt even know how to take care of him he never got up to help me when he was born I did everything by myself. He's more worried about going and and getting high and gambling rather then taking care of his son. I just dont understand how you can bring all these diffrent "bimbos" around my son without even really knowing them I'm just afraid that one of these times somethings going to happen to my son.


sorry its long i just needed to vent!!

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