Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Back at Work Blues )-:

I don't know how to adapt to being back to work. This is my third day and all I do is watch the clock so I can get to my LO. Today I've been crying off and on for the past two hours. I miss her so much and feel like I'm missing out on all of those amazing moments with her. She's 12wks tomorrow and has started changing so much daily and her personality is just adorable. I'm at a loss at to what to do?? I can function like this at the office and my DH doesn't understand (he works with me) how this is affecting me. No matter how many times I say how it hurts so much to be missing out on all of these milestones I think he looks at me like I'm a nut. I'm going to BF her at lunch but that's not enough for me. When I get home from the office I barely get time with her because its close to dinner, then her bath and she goes to sleep. Is anyone else out there this emotional going back to work?? How are you dealing with it? This is torture!!!  

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