2nd Trimester

The craziest things people have said to you.

Sometimes people say crazy things...especially when someone is pregnant. Sometimes I believe these people just don't think before they speak, or they might feel the need to offer their unsolicited advice (no matter how unconventional), or maybe they are just plain dumb? (A reason I've accepted.)

For example, I have a relative who has seriously asked me (three times, mind you) to please not have the baby on the same day as my cousin (who is two weeks behind me) because she can't possibly make it to both hospitals. Like I even have a say in the matter?!? "Hold the phone baby, you can't come out yet...Queen Victoria isn't here!" Though I've told her time and again that the baby will come when he's ready and I have no say in the matter she still continues to insist we not have our babies on the same day. Well what else is there to do in the midst of such stupidity but laugh?

I know I'm not the only one who has dealt with such stupidity, so I'm wondering, What are some of the more laughable stupid things people have said to you about your pregnancy/baby??

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