2nd Trimester

Inviting MIL to u/s

I have quite a few u/s coming up at the end of January and into February. I have to go every two weeks to monitor the twins. DH will be joining me at the first one so we can find out the sex, but not all of them. It's just too much of a pain for him to get out of work that often. It doesn't bother me at all.

My mom offered to come with me to any of the upcoming ultrasounds. I think more because she wants to go and see them, rather than me needing any kind of special support. lol She's an excited grammy! 

I was thinking I might invite my MIL to come along to one of the February appointments, since she has no daughters of her own and is equally excited to be a grammy. She's literally told us since we started dating at 17 that she can't wait. (Crazy, yes. But it's ok. we love her.)

One thing I'm worried about though is inviting her to the u/s and then getting her hopes up that she'll be involved in other aspects of the birth. I absolutely do not want her in the delivery room. I don't even want my own mom in the room. I thought seeing an u/s might be a special treat, but I don't want it to spark anything else. I know it's hard to judge without knowing her, but do you think it would? 

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