Babies: 0 - 3 Months

How to help a reflux baby sleep?

My DD has reflux and while we now have her on Zantac and the projectile vomiting has stopped (we think), she doesn't seem to sleep very well.  For instance, I will feed her and burp her (or try to-sometimes I can't get her to burp for the life of me!) and when she seems asleep, I'll put her her carseat instead of flat on her back.  FOr an hour or so she fusses and grunts, flails her arms and cries.  No one is getting any sleep and before I know it it's time to feed her again.  I had too many nights of being up 3-4 hours straight with her.  Is there anything I can do to help?  I gave her gripe water last night and that didn't help.  We go back to the doctor Friday but any suggestions before then would be greatly appreciated!
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