Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Talk to me about Rock N Play

My son has been having a problem with reflux. Right now he sleeps in a Pack N Play in our room and there is a wedge under the mattress to raise him up and
I even have books under the back wheels to raise it up. Even so, he will cry and cry, and you can hear the gurgling in this throat. Sometimes he will even throw up all over himself and the bed. Even when he is sleeping he will be crying and very restless.

After having a really bad night last night I was just exhausted this morning. I fed LO at 8:30 and tried to put him back to bed and he just screamed and was having the gurgling again. So, I brought the bouncy into the bedroom and put it beside the bed. He then slept perfect for the next 2 hours. I don't want to let him sleep the night in the bouncy but I was wondering about the Fisher Price Rock N Play? I have heard that they are good for babies with reflux because they raise them up some, but there are also safe for sleep.

Has anyone else used one? Would you recommend it? Do you think it might help with his reflux and therefore his sleep?

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