
Hello - I'm new here...

Hi ladies, checking in here for the first time... We had our 33w apointment last Mon and the little lady is still head up, butt in my pelvis, happy as a clam. The doc says the chances of her spontaneously flipping at this point are 2-3% and he will attempt a "version" in about 3.5 weeks. If it does not work, we will have to go for a c/s at 38 weeks.

I am slightly freaked out, never considered I would need a c/s, silly of me right? I am trying to educate myself as much as I can, but the waiting game is just driving me nuts. Haven't sleps in 2 days and if it goes on like this till my next appointment on the 24th I will be a zombie...

Have any of you had a successful version or heard success stories? I was told success rate is like 60%, so better than nothing but not stellar. PLEASE NO HORROR STORIES... I am scared enough as is...

I guess the thing I am most worried about is being able to move and care for her and myself after the surgery... We are temporarily living in Europe, all our relatives and close friends are back in the US so I won't have a Mom or MIL staying with me for weeks helping out. The local hospital likes to keep you in for 7 days after a c/s so that should help, but after that it's just me and the hubbs, maybe a hired nurse dropping in every now and then... And to make things even more fun - we live on the 4th floor of an ancient building with no elevator... Oh joy...

Anything you can tell me to calm the nerves very much appreciated! Looking forward to talking to you girls more.

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