2nd Trimester

Quad Screen Results - Good With the Bad

The bad news is that, according to my abnormal Quad screen results, I have 1 in 243 chances of having a child with Downs.

The good news is is that it is 1 in 243 chance. It could have been worse with 1 in 100 chance if my ultrasound results from the NT Scan was not as good or promising. Thankfully, that u/s came in fine and no problems. Another good news is is that I get to go back to the specialist next week (whom has the most amazing u/s equipment by the way) to have another u/s and see LO again. 

Hopefully, this will rule out whether or not I need to have an amnio which I would dread. I do not like the sight of needles and anything that would increase the risk of a miscarriage. Nervous though

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