2nd Trimester

Hair dye? Tanner? do or don't?

Kind of a silly question but curious if any of you ladies know about this: 

I'm in my second trimester now and haven't dyed my hair since I found out I was pregnant. I went to get a standard trim from a hair salon and the girl noticed my roots showing (black roots on blonde hair lol) and was so persistent on coloring my hair telling me it wouldn't harm my pregnancy or anything. She "did it all the time preggos", blah blah blah.I refused for the time being but curious if anyone dyed their hair and I'm just being paranoid....

Also, this is our first pregnancy so my husband is being super protective and paranoid about everything and he gets so pissy when I use tanner.. saying it's full of chemicals and all that. His cousins have major ADD and ADID (?) and his Uncle blames his wife for dying her hair, using nail polish and getting her nails done on a weekly basis, etc.. during her two pregnancies. I don't know but is all this just paranoia or should I really just avoid tanner and hair dye altogether? We were TTC for over 2 years so I really want to avoid even the slightest harm to the baby but I can't find any solid facts that they are extremely harmful either. Any advice/insight?


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