2nd Trimester

Always the Designated Driver

Since becoming pregnant my DH just assumes I have become his Designated Driver for all drinking events, and my Friends don't understand why I am not interested in attending said events. A little background on my group of friends we are partiers, we are older Late 20's early early 30's, there are parents with kids in the group but they always find time to go out to these events. And it feels to me there are ALOT of events, so far we have had:

~ The Annual Pub Crawl (which I attened from 4p to 2:30a and was the DD for a group of friends and my DH)

~Our Annual Halloween party ( I also attended and was the DD)

~All the Xmas Parties and what not (also the DD)

~New Year's Eve ( I actually stayed home for this one but went out at 3a to go pick up my DH and my Cousin, he lives next door to us)

and now their are 3 more events in the next 3 weekends and my husband and my friends are giving me a hard time because I just don't want to go. One is s35 min from my house and the other is an hour from my house. Its not fun to be the only sober one of a group of 50 people. Now they are not alcoholics before anyone goes to Judge, we are responsible adults, their is always a DD and no one gets overly wasted. I guess I just feel lonley if I don't go, but bored out of mind if I do go I am stuck in a dilema and I have 5 more months until I'm out and even then I don't think we will get to attend all these events all the time!!

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